- Q: Do we ship items or offer sales outside of the state of Wisconsin?
- A: No, we currently are only able to offer sales/delivery/shipping within a 35 mile radius of our store in Chippewa Falls, WI. (if you are requesting a smaller item under 75lbs for shipping - it may be possible for us to ship it anywhere within the state of Wisconsin - please call us at 715-723-1500 with inquires regarding this and what the fee would be for shipping)
- Q: Do you have an item in stock?
- A: Our inventory stock items are changing on a daily basis, you should call us at 715-723-1500 during business hours with any questions regarding in stock inventory.
- Q: Do you dispose of or haul away old furniture?
- A: No, we do not.
- Q: Do you offer in home or full set up delivery?
- A: No, we currently offer front door or garage drop off delivery only.